Give Them Grace – Book Review

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I received my review copy of this book almost a year ago. I read it immediately but knew I would have to re-read and takes notes before I could write a review. A couple months passed and as I re-read the book, it was as if I had never read it. Give Them Grace is such an unusual parenting book. As I read the book a third time more recently, again, it was all fresh to me. The message is that parents must always proclaim the gospel of Jesus and live it out before them and with them. There are various practical scenarios covered and many typical parenting issues. But the approach is still to me so different from what I have seen and done that even now I cannot say I really understand it. I think it’s because the true gospel is so radical and so easily misunderstood and misapplied by even the most ardent Christian.

Since the direction is so different, readers may be tempted to think the “grace” refers to a permissiveness or relaxed parenting style that overlooks disobedience. But the book never attempts that, but to instruct children so that they aim to please the Lord and not work for a reward or seek to please the parent directly. For me, it takes a continual rethinking of who I am and who my kids are to make sense of the approach. I have a long way to go.

I love the gospel and loved the book, but can only say that you’ll have to read it yourself to have an idea of what is really in it. I plan to refer to it over and over as I continue to parent our family. May the Lord conform us all to the true nature of Christ, which is really so different from standard human nature. Read Give Them Grace and be challenged.